What is SEO and why does my brand need it?

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SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s the practice of optimizing your site so that Google can easily find it and place it as a top search result. Your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) is a worthwhile payoff. There are many other available search engines, but 90% of searches are done on Google – […]

What makes a good website?

There are almost 2 billion websites out there today, so good luck getting traffic to your site, much less getting your visitors to stay there. To ensure your website serves its purpose and attracts traffic, it should present a clear objective. It should be visually pleasing and easy to navigate. It should perform well for […]

Hybrid events increase brand visibility

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Hybrid? Let’s get one thing straight. It’s not those strange-looking creatures from Netflix series ‘Zoo’. Recently, Hybrid events have become a bit of a rave. With economies cautiously opening, albeit restrictions in travel, the best avenue to boost brand visibility and increase lead generation is to adapt a combination of in-person and online presence. Rather […]